2019-2024 IV Curves BLIND.csv

URL: https://datahub.duramat.org/dataset/7cdfed1b-7571-4b28-958e-c62e8f67139b/resource/4b1b201a-d866-4f52-ac6f-6989f7a376df/download/2019-2024-iv-curves-blind.csv

IV Curves taken for three of the open-source bifacial rows in the Bifacial Experimental Single-Axis Tracking (BEST) Field at NREL. Some measurements are very low uncertainty taken by the Measurements Group with the LACCS-MSR; SPIRE 5600 and SPIRE 4600 also included. Measurements taken before deployment (2019), three years in for some (2022) and 5 years in (2024).

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Resource Metadata

collection date 08/01/2024
data quality Good
data type JV-IV
instrument NREL
jviv type Light
mimetype text/csv
size 4.9 MiB

Last updated August 12, 2024
Created August 12, 2024
Format text/csv
License No License Provided