C-AST Extractor User Docs

網址: https://datahub.duramat.org/dataset/d6e66aca-1cec-4a52-94bb-b87003e0a863/resource/17f91910-f05a-440c-8dfc-010125f91837/download/c-ast-extractor-user-docs.pdf

For teams uploading data from the NREL cast extractor to the data hub, this is a copy of the manual. Manual is also available on the github repo for the source code.

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Resource Metadata

data quality Good
data type Other
instrument NREL
mimetype application/pdf
size 614.5 KiB

最後更新 十月 19, 2020
建立 十月 19, 2020
格式 application/pdf
授權 Creative Commons Attribution