
Accelerated Testing
A master project to store data from a variety of acceleration projects
Sub-projects:Outdoor Accelerated Testing of PV Modules
Hi-Throughput Optical Mapping
C-AST: Combined Accelerated Stress Testing
Screen Printed Cu
Encapsulant Degradation Mechanisms and Sequenced Accelerated Testing
Deconvoluting Simultaneous UV Degradations
Emerging module interconnect technologies

Adhesion and Adhesives
A project of investigations into interfacial adhesion and adhesives
Sub-projects:Conductive Polymer Adhesive Composites
Reliability of HE Cells with Cu Contacts
IBC Modules

B and B Data
Data share repository for exchange between SNL and LBNL

Central Data Resource - Data Analysis
Projects involving data analysis and analytical tool development
Sub-projects:PV Degradation Analytics
PV Degradation Prediction Tool and Database
Data Aggregated from Literature Searches
Photovoltaic Climate Zones
Mapping PV degradation by LLM

Coatings based investigations