SAND2023-02045: Global horizontal spectral ...


This report describes the creation process and final content of a spectral irradiance dataset for Albuquerque, New Mexico accompanied by a set of spectral response measurements for modules deployed at the same location. The spectral irradiance measurements were made using horizontally mounted spectroradiometers; therefore, they represent global horizontal irradiance. The dataset combines non-continuous spectroradiometer and weather measurements from a two-year period into a single calendar year. The data files are accompanied by extensive metadata as well as example calculations and graphs to demonstrate the potential uses of this database. The spectral response measurements were carried out by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory using 12 commercial silicon modules types that are undergoing long-term evaluation at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque.

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最後更新 四月 12, 2023
建立 四月 12, 2023
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