PV Module Operating Temperature

網址: https://datahub.duramat.org/dataset/1b14f458-be7d-4d4b-840b-cf57541d9210/resource/bb7ae4b1-bb4a-4fd6-8122-f8253e6bf7ae/download/tmod_sample_data.nc

This NetCDF format file contains measurements for a 35-degree fixed-tilt array located in Albuquerque NM. Please see the accompanying report and python programming examples for much more information.


Resource Metadata

data quality Good
data type Environmental Conditions
instrument SNL
mimetype application/x-netcdf
size 10.1 MiB

最後更新 一月 16, 2023
建立 一月 14, 2023
格式 application/x-netcdf
授權 沒有可使用的許可