
網址: https://datahub.duramat.org/dataset/2f82b25f-f6e2-43c1-a7cc-97860b5ca2f9/resource/a35ad07d-eceb-45e0-8c34-1ac40f634652/download/fleet_results_public.csv

PV Field Data Results

Data Columns

  • plr_type: Type of RdTools analysis conducted based on available weather data. ‘sensor’: on-site irradiance and temperature sensors used. ‘nsrdb: satellite weather data used. ‘clearsky’: no on-site weather data available. Modeled irradiance and average temperature was used under clear-sky conditions only
  • plr_median: Median system degradation rate in %/yr
  • plr_confidence_low: 95% confidence interval for PLR, lower value
  • plr_confidence_high: 95% confidence interval for PLR, upper value
  • length_years_rounded: Length of performance data set in years (may not be the same as the age of the system if we only have access to some of the system data)
  • power_dc: Approximate DC nameplate power of the system (grouped by 2MW.)
  • pv_climate_zone: Karin PV climate temperature zone, scale of 1-7.
  • technology1: PV cell main technology (e.g. c-Si, CdTe, CIGS)
  • technology2: PV cell technology sub-category (e.g. PERC, Al-BSF)
  • type_mounting: Ground, roof, garage canopy, etc.
  • tracking: Boolean, is the system tracking the sun or fixed

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Resource Metadata

data quality Good
mimetype text/csv
size 306.9 KiB

最後更新 二月 2, 2022
建立 十二月 13, 2021
格式 text/csv
授權 沒有可使用的許可