Assessing Factors Underpinning PV Degradation through Data Analysis

DuraMAT 2.0 Project

Central Data Resource

Category: Data Analytics

Recipient Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (PI: Jain, Anubhav)

Subs N/A

Status Awarded

Abstract PV degradation is difficult to isolate among the multitude of factors leading to observed power loss (from benign to problematic). This project uses advanced data analytics to more accurately pinpoint PV degradation and isolate its causes, addressing 3 target subprojects. The subprojects share two main purposes: (i) improve estimates of overall degradation using standard PV datasets and (ii) better separate and isolate the factors underpinning observed degradation (system vs. module, various electrical parameters, climate, or materials). Outputs of the project include open-source software for analyzing production PV data and identifying potential failure modes, as well as information regarding how bill of materials may influence module robustness.