Cell Crack XRT - Metadata
Project ID | a13f4716-8f75-49fd-9bd3-38940a6e5af1 |
Dataset ID | 3cdf0d0c-0c13-4c8f-a641-5ffb577bc5a3 |
Processed XRT data and corresponding EL and IV measurements for pristine and indented (cracked) cells in mini-modules. Experiments and analysis conducted by Ian Slauch at Arizona State University.
Dataset Metadata
作者 | jlbraid |
維運者的電子郵件 | jlbraid@sandia.gov |
Institution | SNL |
Data Source Type | Lab and Experimental |
Accelerated? | No |
Environmental Conditions | Not Applicable |
Measurement Types | JV-IV, EL, Other |
Owner | jlbraid |
Funding | DuraMAT 2 |
作者 | jlbraid |
Updated | 十月 6, 2023, 06:41 (UTC) |
建立 | 九月 30, 2023, 02:31 (UTC) |