This data encompasses performance data measured for flat-plate photovoltaic (PV) modules installed in Cocoa, Florida; Eugene, Oregon; and Golden, Colorado. The data include PV module current-voltage curves and associated meteorological data for approximately one-year periods. The data was acquired with the NREL Performance and Energy Rating Testbed (PERT) and the mobile Performance and Energy Rating Testbed (mPERT). Metadata, methods, and system details can be found in the User's Manual documentation.

Data DOI: 10.21948/1811521

NREL PERT site NREL PERT installation site

FSEC mPERT site Florida Solar Energy Research Center mPERT installation site

Eugene mPERT site Eugene, OR mPERT installation site

Dataset Metadata

作者 cdeline
Institution NREL
Data Source Type Historical and Literature
Type of Data performance
Owner admin

作者 cdeline
Updated 八月 5, 2021, 15:16 (UTC)
建立 八月 2, 2021, 15:07 (UTC)