These are PL images collected during a field demonstration of PLatypus on 2023-03-23. During this demonstration, PLatypus was in 1 lightweight 4x1 camera configuration, so each module is covered by two sets of images, one with position l (left) and one with position r (right). Due to heavy snowfall during part of the demonstration, snow is visible in some images.

In are straight-out-of-camera image files. They are named {date}_{time}_row{system row}_module{module number}{module position}_n{camera node number}_s{camera exposure time in microseconds}_g{camera gain}.jpg.

In are images that are intensity-scaled, straightened, and assembled into a single montage image for each module.

Dataset Metadata

作者 silverman
Institution NREL
Data Source Type Lab and Experimental
Accelerated? No
Environmental Conditions Not Applicable
Owner silverman
Funding duramat spark

作者 silverman
Updated 五月 30, 2023, 16:50 (UTC)
建立 四月 5, 2023, 16:53 (UTC)