Strengthening Thin Glass for PV Module

DuraMAT 2.0

Module Materials Solutions

Category: Mechanics and Cracking

Recipient SNL (PI: Rimsza, Jessica)


Status In Progress

Abstract This project will evaluate a low-cost and efficient ion-exchange process for glass strengthening thin glass sheets (< 3 mm). We will adapt the well-known ion-exchange method, traditionally too expensive for PV module glasses, with a low-energy process that uses salt-pastes rather than molten salts for development of protective surface stresses. A targeted experimental program will evaluate the fundamental ion diffusion kinetics when using salt pastes, measure glass strength gains, and compare with glass strengthening using conventional molten salt conditions. We expect that short-term exposure of glasses to salt pastes (KOH:LiOH) at moderate temperatures will enable sufficient ion-exchange to increase the strength of cover glasses by 20-30% without requiring expensive, molten salt processing conditions.